eLearning ITPR represented a first challenge: the implementation of a project as an entrepreneur. It was a highly complex project but phenomenal, with activities that stimulated our imagination and imposed us new options for personal development, namely: with confidence, without limits, only forward!
Proiectul strategic „Intreprinzatori in turism – pensiuni in Romania” a fost implementat de Fundația Națională a Tinerilor Manageri – FNTM (www.fntm.ro), în calitate de lider al consorțiului, în parteneriat cu organizațiile Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores de Almeria – ASAJA și Asociația Națională de Turism Rural Ecologic și Cultural – ANTREC.
“Entrepreneurs in tourism – Guest houses in Romania” is a successful national strategic project, implemented by FNTM (www.fntm.ro), as leader of the consortium, in partnership with Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores de Almeria – ASAJA and The National Association of Rural Ecologic and Cultural Tourism – ANTREC.
E-Learning Program – Entrepreneurial education and consultancy for tourism entrepreneurs with 5 training modules: IT&C, Business Plan –Project Proposal, Financial Management, Touristic Management, Marketing and Promoting. Results: over 1600 beneficiaries participated at Entrepreneurial education and consultancy for tourism entrepreneurs program.
The eLearning platform on which the entire program was built is Dokeos. It has been customized to be under EU visual identity and also under project requirements. In the project were developed 40 SCORM lessons in Flash, over 160 learning objects, plenty of evaluating tests.